Great Ideas for Thanksgiving party for kids


Thanksgiving is a time for food, celebration, and fun. Every year on Thanksgiving, families gather around the table to enjoy a meal and give thanks.


Thanksgiving party for kids

Have you decided that you would like to host a Thanksgiving party this year? If so, what type of Thanksgiving party do you plan on having?

If you are a parent, there is a good chance that you already know just how much children like the holidays, as well as parties. For that reason, you may want to think about planning a kids-only Thanksgiving party. Being a parent, you will find that there are a number of benefits to doing so.

Although you might assume that it is relatively easy to host a kids-only Thanksgiving party, you may soon realize that it isn’t as easy as you may think. The reason for that, most of the time, is that kids are often more difficult to please when compared to adults. For that reason, there is a fairly large amount of planning and preparation that may need to go into your next Thanksgiving party.

Perhaps, the first thing that you should do, when planning a kids-only Thanksgiving party, is inviting the guests. Depending on the age of your own child or children, this may be a little bit difficult. Some young children and teenagers may be able to invite their own party guests, but others may be unable to. Whether your child is a toddler or a little bit older, it may be a good idea if you create a Thanksgiving party guest list all on your own. When doing so, it is advised that you invite children that are around the same age as your own. It may be a good idea to invite other children that are in your child’s class, attend the same daycare, live in the same neighborhood, or are related to your child.

Once you have taken care of the party invites, you may want to change your focus a little bit. You will want to start focusing on the actual party. One of the many things that you may want to plan out is the food, snacks, and drinks that you will have available. In most cases, you will find that you do not need to go all out and cook a Thanksgiving dinner for a kids-only party; snacks would be more than enough. However, as a parent, you likely already know that kids can be picky when it comes to their food. That is why you are advised to have a wide array of snacks and drinks on hand. You will not only want to make sure that, at least, some of your foods are healthy, but also that they are kid-friendly.

Whether it is a Thanksgiving party, a Christmas party, or a birthday party, kids’ parties are nothing without games. That is why you will want to pick out party games for everyone to play. Since you will be hosting a Thanksgiving party for kids, you may want to choose holiday games to play; however, it is not necessary. You can easily find a number of holiday party game ideas online, with a standard internet search. In addition to the internet, you should also be able to purchase kid-friendly party games online or from your local department store. While it is fun to have your party games all planned out and ready to go, be sure to leave room for suggestions. Depending on the age of your party guests, there is a good chance that they may want to play other games or offer their own suggestions.

When planning a kids-only Thanksgiving party, it is important to remember one thing; kids may not be your only guests. As a parent, you likely know how some parents, maybe even you, just don’t want to part with their children, even for a few hours. That is why there is a good chance that some of your party guests’ parents may wish to stay. If this is the case, you should let them. In addition to receiving assistance with your kids’ only Thanksgiving party, there is a good chance that you may enjoy the extra company. If other parents will be staying with their kids, it is advised that you also have a few adult snacks on hand.

Thanksgiving crafts

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday! What a spiritual renewal to take a day to reflect over the past year about just how good God has been to you and your family, to give you harvest and shelter, health, and hope. To get the most out of this joyous occasion, make some holiday crafts with your children. These days, Thanksgiving often gets squeezed out by Halloween’s spooky decorations and the lights and gala of Christmas. With the following holiday crafts, your home can be decorated for this quieter but important celebration.

Craft ideas:
  • Turkeys are a natural choice for decorations. A familiar project at this time of year is for a child to trace around her hand and make the resulting drawing into a turkey. The thumb is the head and the fingers are the tail feathers all displayed. While many of the turkeys that are raised for food are now the domestic white variety, the turkeys eaten by the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving were the wild brown ones. The tail feathers on a wild turkey are brown, but they are iridescent. catching the light and appearing to be multi-colored. This is why children color the tail feathers in bright colors.

The turkey’s head has a wattle under the beak. This is a vertical flap of loose skin that is red-colored. Be sure to draw this in order to make the hand turkey look like a turkey. Add skinny legs and bird feet. When done, the children can cut out the turkeys and hang them on the wall. It’s really cute to make a whole flock of these turkeys in the sizes of all the hands in the family. The little hand shapes are particularly sweet.

  • Another nice turkey decoration to make when making Thanksgiving holiday crafts is a turkey door decoration. Make a brown construction paper body and head of a turkey. Now make a large number of colored feather shapes. Each family member writes on a feather something he or she is thankful for before attaching it as part of the turkey’s tail. Repeat until all the feathers are used, and hang the turkey on the front door to greet visitors with a message of gratitude. Make a sign to accompany the turkey that says “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!” or simply “Be thankful!” or “We’re thankful for you!” or whatever you like.
  • Children love making construction paper chains. To further decorate the house for Thanksgiving, let them make a paper chain in fall colors as one of their holiday crafts. Using 9 by 12-inch construction paper, cut the paper in half across the long side and cut the halves into one-inch-thick six-inch-long strips. Use a stapler to attach the ends of the strip into a circle. Loop the next strip into the circle and staple it. Continue the process alternating colors of brown, red, yellow, and orange. When the chains are long, you can drap them along the ceiling or stair rail. If you don’t make the door turkey, the children can write something they’re thankful for on each strip of paper before adding it to the chain.

“Give thanks for a little, and you will find a lot.”

Hausa Proverb

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