Perfect Pet Dogs for Kids
Dogs are said to be man best friends and may just be the perfect pet for the entire family. They are generally cute and cuddly. The best thing about them is the loyalty they possess and the unconditional love they can offer. However, dogs may be dangerous, produce a lot of noise, and are a bit messy.
Also, taking care of dogs entails a great deal of dedication in terms of time and money. Walking them for exercise is necessary to keep them fit and may require a fenced area specifically for them where they could play and thrive. Getting a dog for your kids will definitely mean that you have to give an ample amount of your time since taking care of them might be perplexing for your children. If you are considering a dog as your child’s pet. Be sure to get a particular breed that is known to be great around kids.
As parents, be reminded of the pet you choose for your children. When it comes to acquiring a dog as a possible pet for your children, you have to be very mindful. Be sure to do a lot of research in order to ensure the safety of your kids. The best way to finding the perfect pet for your kids is by doing your homework. You may check this link regarding an online dog training course whenever you need some help or guidance on how to eliminate your pet’s misbehaviour or disobedience.

Helping Kids and Pet Dogs Develop ‘Pawsitive’ Relationships
Dogs are part of the family. But no matter what the dog’s temperament, families with young children should take some important safety precautions.
For the children’s safety and the dog’s, it’s crucial that they learn how to play nicely with each other. Here are some suggestions:
* Choose the right breed and personality. Generally the large breeds – labrador and golden retrievers and standard poodles – are tolerant of kids. But each dog is an individual, so ask the breeder or rescue shelter about the dog’s personality before you purchase or adopt.
* Understand the pet’s behaviour. Pets can become upset by too much stimulation. The Humane Society of the United States recommends teaching your kids to heed warning signs like hissing or lip curling, which indicate the animal wants to be left alone.
* Teach the kids good manners. They should never disturb the dog while it’s eating, taking a nap or playing with its favourite toy.
* Keep your pet calm. Some dogs get very excited and agitated when confronted by lots of kids. And older dogs can be frightened by the high-pitched sounds and quick motions of children playing.
*Keep an eye on things. Young children and dogs should always be supervised when together. And when your baby starts crawling, keep the dog by your side until it gets used to seeing a tiny human speeding across the floor.
* Walk together. Children love holding a dog’s leash, but an adult should be there to supervise, according to the People and Dogs Society. A child may not be able to control even the most mild-mannered dog if it is approached by another dog. And children could tug too hard on the collar and leash.
* Demonstrate respect. Children should learn which parts of the dog’s body they can touch and pet and how to touch gently. For instance, your dog may love belly rubs and having its head stroked but resent having its feet or tail touched.
Best Dogs for Families with Kids
Choosing the right dog for your family with kids need some research if you are new to dog ownership. Families with kids need to pay attention to certain dog qualities such as temperament, size and energy level before adopting or buying a dog.
Kids like to play with dogs. Sometimes they forget to respect the dog’s cue to back off. You need a dog that won’t mind if his hair or tail gets pulled. Size is another important consideration. This is for the safety of children as well as for the dog. There are dog breeds that are very good with children but too big; especially with small children who may be accidentally stepped on or knocked over.
Some dog breeds that are good with children have high energy or activity levels than others. If dogs don’t receive the exercise they physically require, they are more likely to develop behaviour problems such as excessive chewing or barking. Select a dog breed that loves children but requires less exercise if your family is not so active.
Here are some breeds that work well with kids:
Beagle: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 40 to 59 lbs (18-27kg). Beagles do shed. if you or a family member suffer from allergies, it is worth looking into other breeds that do well with kids.
Bassett Hound: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 50 to 65 lbs (23-30kg). Gets along well with other dogs and pets. Minimal exercise is needed.
Cairn Terrier: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 13 to 25 lbs (6-11kg). Minimal shedding.
Cocker Spaniel: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 13 to 30 lbs (6-14kg). Regular exercise may be needed.
Dachshund: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 16 to 32 lbs (7-15kg). Minimal exercise is needed. They are medium shedders and require modest exercise. Housebreaking can be difficult.
Golden Retriever: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 65 to 75 lbs (30-34kg). Easy to train. Get along well with other dogs and pets. Daily exercise needed. Loves to play with balls and other toys, so exercise is fairly easy.
Labrador Retriever: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 60 to 75 lbs (27-34kg). Minimal grooming required. Requires daily exercise.
Pug: Generally a non-biting breed. Good with kids. Approximate size: 14 to 18 lbs (6-8kg). Sheds copious amounts, usually seasonally.
While there is no guarantee a certain type of dog will get along well with children, there is a wide range of dog breeds (many more than mentioned here) that are known for being excellent family dogs. Always remember, before adopting or purchasing your next puppy, please do your homework.
However, there is always an awesome online course called Brain Training For Dogs you can check at any point from deciding to get a dog, through puppy issues, even learning funny and clever tricks with your lovely dog-buddy, to eliminating troublesome behaviour of your pet.

“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.”
Johnny Depp
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