music for kids

Music for Kids & its Amazing Benefits

Music for Kids – Linking Music To The Heart Of A Child

Music is powerful and persuasive. It touches one’s emotions, motivation, creativity, and relaxation. It has a soothing effect that can calm our mental nerves. It inspires you to do something new and productive. It gives you ideas. It lulls you to sleep. The list is definitely endless.

Music is many things. It makes us happy, annoyed, melancholic, afraid, and mad. Music is also for everyone. It invades almost anything and everything. Different milieus have their own music to recollect. Various races and continents also enjoy distinctive music. Young and old alike take pleasure in it.

In every stage of life, there will always be music for it is perpetual. In fact, there are unique types of music that cater to a specific group of individuals. Rock and metal music cater to hyperactive music enthusiasts. Love, acoustic and pop songs blend well with lovers and emotional persons. For kids, there is children’s music.

Music for kids can give kids a magical experience. They can play roles with it. For a moment, they can be a pretty princess with a castle or a dashing knight in shining armour. They can simultaneously play musical instruments. They can dance and sing.

Music is entertaining most especially to children. Thus, even at a very young age, they must be exposed to music. By doing so, kids develop their sense of adventure and discovery.

Aside from that, they can be knowledgeable about children’s music lyrics. They can also develop basic languages.

Music for kids can also be treated as therapy. The application of music for kids can treat some physiological and psychosocial elements of illness. Treatment is aimed at the acquisition of non-musical behaviour by virtue of systematic musical methods.

Studies have proven that children with developmental delays and learning disabilities like Downs syndrome respond to music. Thus, exposure to music can boost response and expression. As a result, individual expressions and talents like singing and dancing can be discovered.

Music for kids treats developmental delays and learning disabilities by drawing out movements. The latter develops self-awareness which can easily be manifested. Examples of these movements are gripping the beater, tapping a triangle, playing cymbals and drums, and the likes.

The relationship between music for kids and movement cannot be overemphasized. The rhythm of music creates the ideal stimulus that results in coordinated movements. These movements lead to repetition which is a mode of child learning.

Aside from entertainment and therapy, music for kids is also a special kind of education. It develops the cognitive skills of children. Exposure to music stimulates learning about colours, numbers, shapes, and parts of the body. As a consequence, though may not be the primary goal, it increases the child’s intelligence.

Stimulation of cognitive abilities leads to multi-sensory development. The latter contributes to the ability of a child to retail information and be attentive to detail. As a result, the child becomes confident and clever.

Music for kids can also develop the child’s social skills. Usually, musical experiences are done in groups. Participants can sing in unison or one after the other. With this process, everyone is encouraged to participate thus participants eventually become closer.

Music for kids can be so powerful that it can develop both the intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects of a child. It simultaneously augments functional abilities at the same time the expressive and creative capacities of a child.

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Music for kids
Music for kids

Benefits Of Music for Kids

“Intelligence, Healing, And Pure Joy” – Music offers all

Music has been a part of existence since time immemorial. And, it is everywhere in the rhythms of nature, the chatter of animals and birds, the babbling of babies, and in the dancing of brooks. Listen and you will hear sweet tunes all weaving a magic of their own.

It is well known that the origins of music go back at least 50,000 years. Music seems to be ingrained in our genetics and tunes are rhythms that are integral to our lives.

Music & its roles in our lives:

  • Research indicates the children who learn music are more likely to become doctors, engineers, and computer professionals. Music learning develops areas of the brain responsible for language as well as reasoning. Music is known to sharpen memory. A Rockefeller Foundation study reveals that those who studied music have SAT scores of 427.
  • If a child in the womb of its mother listens to music it is born with highly developed intelligence.
  • Music moulds people, it teaches coordination, teamwork, discipline, and self-expression.
  • The therapeutic values of music are well documented. It heals people with mental problems, developmental and learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, brain trauma, and hypertension. That music heals has been recorded in the works of Aristotle and Plato and in the centuries that followed.
  • That plants respond to music is a reality, not a myth. Plants are known to thrive with music and also move towards the sound.
  • Children who grow up in a music-filled environment are happy, fulfilled, and joyous.
  • Music takes the devout closer to god and in religion congregational singing has always worked. Singing hymns lifts any heaviness from the mind and frees the soul.
  • When music is played in hospital waiting rooms and so on it ebbs tensions and calms the mind.
  • Music has meditative properties and can be used for healing, exercising, and training modules.
  • When the music plays, people function better. Many find that they enjoy work or activities like cooking and cleaning when music is playing. It erases tensions and lifts weights off the shoulder. Music actually introduces lightness into the body.
  • The music reflects the culture of a society and strengthens bonds. It creates camaraderie and oneness as seen in football matches, military training, and festivals.
  • Romance and love would not have so many hues but for music. Music and song have captured feelings, passions, agony, distress, and more succinctly. Through song, many a romance have been immortalized. Mating calls and songs are universal in nature.
  • Scientists are using music to map behaviours and unravel the many mysteries of the human mind and consciousness.
  • The music settles down anger and resentment quickly and also helps us overcome feelings of sorrow and loss. It lifts the mind and spirit out of despair and gives hope. From centuries ago a mother has always sung lullabies to her fussing child, lulling it to sleep with softly whispered songs.
  • Music has other uses it can raise levels of excitement and cause a frenzy. It is used to call armies to war by the beating of drums, to instigate raw emotions during revolts, and to drum up a frenzy at football matches and rock shows.

Did you know that while classical music soothes and opens up channels in the mind, rock music can set pulses racing, and chants can send you into a trance? Music used differently has varied effects on human beings. Music can be a panacea or hell depends on how it is used.

To enjoy some amazing relaxing music >> CLICK HERE<<.

Music for kids

“Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.

Pablo Casals

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